Can you imagine ditching your 9-5 to work at your dream job, with a better office? What if your dream job included a cool boss that you’ve been friends with for awhile. However, only a few months into the position, you realize that sometimes business and friends just don't mix and things don't work out and you part ways with their company. On top of that, your husband just left for a six month deployment with the Air Force and oh, did I mention the three kids at home? What do you do? You go back to a stable position? Right? That's the logical and smart thing to do, right?
Well, not always. I got a chance to speak to special guest, Shauna Armitage,on my podcast, PKJ Podcast who went through this exact situation and chose a much different path than many would have, put in her shoes. Quick Tips from a Mom Making Moxie In Business![]() Shauna is the founder of ‘Making Moxie,’ a community for female entrepreneurs to share their stories and insights while guiding one another and growing successful businesses. Shauna is also the mother of one boy and two little girls with one on the way. She is making moxie in life and in business so her children will see that they have the power to make an impact with a little grit and a lot of determination. Here are the highlights from this week’s episode: 1. Before going into business with a friend, be sure your goals are in alignment. Shauna shared that one reason that she found herself clashing with her friend/boss, is that they had different ideas about how clients should be treated. Shauna’s more intimate approach wasn’t what her friend’s company wasn’t what her company was interested in, so they eventually ended up parting ways. “I've never been fired from anything in my life and it came at a really tough time for me.” - Shauna Armitrage ![]()
2. Your passion can be an opportunity to make new friends.
I mentioned during this episode that a lot of times we love our friends for certain aspects. Maybe they're fun or maybe they're hard working or maybe they're outgoing, but if we don't have the same goals and we haven't sat down and really worked everything out you really shouldn’t enter into a partnership. In my business, I get asked often, “Should I start a partnership with my friend because they have more money to contribute than I do right now?” I always advice them to think long-term about that person before making decision. We always outgrow people at some point, you know? I say that the friends that if we kept all the friends we had in kindergarten, we wouldn't have room to make new friends. 3. Just because you’re in business doesn’t mean you always have to read business books. When I asked Shauna what her favorite types of books are, she said she gets asked that A LOT! “I think that people are always expecting some kind of like business book. But the books that I really like to read are more historical fiction. I really like hearing the stories of powerful and inspiring women in history and their lives and what they did. So those are the kinds of things that I like to read when I actually have a few minutes to sit down and read!” 4. Define your own version of success. While in Shauna’s shoes, most people would start to look for a 9-5 to fill in the hole that lost dream job created. Shauna catered to her situation which led her to Making Moxie. When asked what her ultimate goal is for her company she said, “The ultimate goal for my company is to make ME successful. And I say that because I feel like I've defined success differently than a lot of people have. [Other coaches and consultants said...] you're not going to be able to scale or you're going to hit that point where you can only take so many one on one client so you're going to be limiting your income. And I kind of sat with that for a little while and I was like, you know what? I'm okay with that because I think we really glorify hitting the six figures or hitting the seven figures or are making all of this money. But to me I don't need to do that. I love the one on one work that I do with my clients. That's very fulfilling to me. It makes me happy and you know, my kids are healthy and happy and we have enough money for vacations and that's what my business is for me, is that it allows me to define success for myself and not trying to follow a model that somebody else says they're successful.” To hear more from Shauna, find Making Moxie on Instagram, Pinterest, and Facebook @iammakingmoxie and you can always find her at along with lots of amazing thought leadership from other women who are just doing the damn thing and it's a great place to get inspired by their stories and their insights on how to grow a business.
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March 2021